Ready to generate a new revenue stream?

You’re in the right place! Consumer chemicals producers, facing increasingly strict regulatory regimes both at home and as they expand into new markets, are in need of chemicals studies data. Could your data assets be just what they need?.

The Chemflix marketplace connects those who have data with those who need it and appreciate its value.

Not ready to publish all your chemicals safety data assets?
Publishing a single data offer on our marketplace is the perfect way to attract potential buyers, and then discover how you can meet their specific needs.

Advantages of selling your data via Chemflix

Easy, no-risk access to a global audience of data-hungry companies
Our user-friendly platform gives your data the visibility it needs, on a global scale. It’s free to use and there’s no lock in!
One platform to manage all aspects of your data transactions
From the moment you publish your data offer in our marketplace, to the moment you receive your earnings in your account, all aspects of the transaction are automated and handled within Chemflix. There are no separate contracts or agreements to keep track of, and after the 30-day warranty period, you can redeem your earnings at the touch of a button.
Fully secure peer-to-peer data transfer
Our marketplace is all about bringing together buyers and sellers, and thanks to our leveraging of blockchain technology, the data you sell is transferred peer-to-peer. That means it goes directly from your system to the buyer, never passing through the Chemflix platform. You keep full control of your data at all times, while buyers only have access to the specific data product(s) they have bought.

“Before Chemflix, our chemical safety study data collections were sitting idle yet costing us money to store. Thanks to monetisation through secure peer-to-peer exchange on Chemlix, now they are generating revenue for us. Not only that, making these data collections available to other organisations helps us meet our sustainability goals. It’s a win-win!”

“Finding the chemical safety data collections needed to meet increasingly strict regulatory guidelines has become a real challenge in recent years. Chemflix simplifies the process dramatically, turning months of negotiations into a straightforward P2P transaction. This means we can bring new products to market faster and at a lower cost. Further, buying the data we need means we don’t have to replicate studies, eliminating redundant animal testing.”

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